I figured, every now and then, I should write a law-related post. I often get emails asking for advice about starting law school, and sometimes I just offer it unsolicited :)
So, since I don't have a huge amount of time right now, I thought I'd offer the first 5 things that come to mind. There is a decent chance the first 5 may also be the most important.
This is advice for people similarly situated - older students going back to school, married or partnered, possibly with kids. For those young, singles, well, maybe there's a tidbit or two that you'll find useful, too.
1) Make time for your partner. Set up a date night/date morning, something. You will be going through a life-altering experience that your spouse cannot even imagine, and so will she. It's not easy being married to a law student. Not only can we be challenging to get along with, but you being in law school may bring out her insecurities. You have to keep talking to each other, and recognizing the potholes.
2) Almost no one else in your class gets "it" either. When you are feeling really stupid because you have no clue what your Con Law professor just talked about for the last hour, look around, listen as you walk out the door. No one else understood either. That's not to say that you shouldn't try to understand, just don't beat yourself up over it. You are not stupid. You should be in law school. (Almost everyone at some point tells herself she shouldn't be there.)
3) Seek Balance. You still have a life. Live it. Don't forget your friends, your family, or your dog. It is more healthy and will make your study time more effective if you take regular breaks, socialize now and then, and develop at least a bit of life outside of law school.
4) Purchase study aides before the end of the semester. Talk to others who had the class, or ask the prof what she recommends, for the best study aides for her particular class. In some classes, you may feel like you don't need them. Fine, but if you are feeling lost, pick up an Examples and Explanations (one of my favorites), Crunchtime, Emananuel Outline or other, and use it in conjunction with your casebook. Sometimes, the guide will present the material in a way that is more clear than your prof. and will really enhance the lectures.
5) Set up a study/homework schedule and stick to it. Keep up on homework - you don't want to fall behind. If you think it is hard to read 40 pages for one assignment, try doubling or tripling that. If you do get behind in reading,it is better to borrow notes, skip the reading, and stay current than falling behind while you try to catch up. For me, since I work almost full time, go to school and have a family, it is really crucial that I do the work at the planned times, because there isn't a "slush" time to do it later.
That's it - all the wisdom I have to share on this fine Tuesday morning. I hope someone finds it useful.