Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is It Real?

I have been an officially recognized lawyer now for three days. Wow.
It is stunning really.

I am a lawyer.

I can say the words over and over, and still, they don't sound quite true. I went to a lot of school. I studied a lot. Does that qualify me to be a lawyer?

Yes, apparently it does! (Well, as long as I also passed the bar exam and had my application accepted by the bar.)

Now, I just have to find a real legal job. I mean, a job related to the law, not that what I have been doing is illegal. :) There have just been 417 new lawyers admitted to my state, so that is no easy feat. (We won't even mention the economy here.) Good thing there are so many specialty areas - criminal law, public defense, business law, social security disability law and related topics, tribal law, tax law, animal law, and of course, my personal favorite, environmental law. At least we don't all want to do the same thing!

Stay-tuned for a few pictures and a recap of my swearing in ceremony.


Dee said...

This is very good news.

Congratulations Out Law Mama

Caroline said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and honored that I have been able to be there with you (through your blog and Casey's blog) through most of it.