Sunday, May 23, 2010

In Flight Thoughts

(Written about 2 days ago and posted 5/23.)

I am currently flying over some state west of Pennsylvania. By the time I post this, I should be in the Philadelphia airport, waiting for the time to board the 7 ½ hour flight to London. The flight from Seattle has been pleasant – quiet, no screaming children, no rowdy passengers. Most everyone was sleeping, reading, or using an electronic device such as a laptop or MP3 player. I have alternated between reading and resting.

Tonight I will sleep on the plane, tomorrow during the day I do not know the plan, but tomorrow night is “boys night out/girls night out” according to the intinerary my friend's fiance emailed. The wedding is Monday. It was only a few short months ago I was wandering paper stores with the happy couple, brain-storming ideas with them about custom-made invitations, and now the day is almost here! I am so happy for them, and excited to be on my way to join them half-way around the world. Wild!

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