Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Enjoying Spring Break

Spring break - Ah, it feels good! It was so nice yesterday to have Wife tell me about a cool art project that Boy Wonder had brought home and know that I would get to see it that evening, while my son was still awake. Last night I was able to cook dinner, help clean, scoop the yard, play with the new dog (who we are often calling "young punk" due to her age and energy), give the kids their baths and still spend some time with Wife. Nice! (It sounds like I did a lot, but Wife was even busier than I was. Crazy!)

What wasn't nice was that due to the lateness of dinner, which happens when I cook since I don't get home until past the time they would normally eat when I am in school, their schedule was all off and they were both WIRED by bedtime. It took an hour and a half to get our Princess to sleep. She kept telling us she could not sleep and begging to watch Ruby and Max. We sometimes let her do this on Sunday nights - end of the weekend and last chance to get some time with me - but last night, it was no go. So.....it was late by the time she was asleep, thus taking away from adult time.

Even though I am working on reviewing some notes and reading for next week, it is nice not to really be worrying too much about hitting the books this week. Then, in 5 more weeks, it is time for finals, and the semester will be done! We are all ready for that!!

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