Thursday, February 18, 2010

Growing up too fast!

Ah, my little princess. I have mentioned being informed by my five-year-old daughter that various movie and television characters are either "hot" or "dreamy." Last night, after she explained to me two different meanings for the word "growing," (growing up, like she is, or growing a plant - yes, similar, but I believe she was picking up on the distinction between passive and active) she said, "Aren't I a whiz?" A whiz? Yes, honey, you are a whiz.

Pretty soon we will probably be discussing at what age she may begin dating, the tragedy of her current wardrobe and blackheads removal. I guess I better cherish every moment that she still wants to play dolls and Build-a-Bear with me!

1 comment:

Lynilu said...

Oh, Dakota, you are so right. Enjoy these moments, because they do fly. I can't believe my own little princess will be 40 in just 3 weeks! Oh, my.