After a great weekend of Halloween fun, Boy Wonder awoke with a fever this morning. We may be heading into Round 2 of this thing, and most of us were not at 100% from Round 1. Ugh.
So, because I was quite tired and moving slowly, then taking care of the boy, I got a late start out the door this morning. I rushed to my car to be greeted with ice covering the windshield. Great. I started the car and called in to Wife to please open the garage door, because my ice scraper had been tossed in the garage in favor of Friday's trunk or treat decorations - tombstones, spider webs, spiders, spooky lights and dry ice. (I suspect photos can be, or soon will be, found on Wife's blog.) She graciously came out and scraped my windshield (Thanks, honey!) while I ran back in the house for a quick potty break - fearing my late start would mean a long drive in.
A few minutes later, I was on my way, and was rewarded with a spectacular sunrise - full of that amazing pink-orange color rarely enjoyed outside of sunrise or sunset. As I drove across the bridge, the sunrise colors spread out behind the mountain and then stretched into purples and blues, and then into a low lying fog bank. It was simply magical. I half-expected a castle to appear from behind the fog. By the time I arrived at work, the sun was up, and it was clear it was going to be a beautiful morning. I snapped the above shot on my way from the parking lot.
Happy Monday!
Just for you - I posted pictures of Trunk or Treat. :)
Thank you!
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