Tuesday, May 05, 2009

One to Go!

I survived the Immigration Law final! It was one of the ones I was a bit concerned about, but I think it went OK. Now, on to Secured Transactions, and then I will be done!

It would certainly be easy to handle the stress of finals by eating and drinking a lot, but I've found that right before the exam, appetite suppressants are not needed. When it gets right down to the hour or so before the final, I don't really want to eat or drink, I just want to get right to the test. That last hour or so is the worst because all I can really do is wait. I personally find if I look at my notes it just freaks me out, so I really can't do that. I don't want to read non-related material and strain my eyes that will soon be doing nothing but staring at an exam, my notes and my computer. Not many people around campus to talk to. So, I wait, call my family. Wait some more. I will only have to do that one more time!!! Wahoo!!! (No Bar Exam talk! Stop that!)


Casey said...

You're getting there!!! WOWSA!!! :) :) :)

yankeegirl said...

I'm soooo jealous. I just took a break from studying for my last 1L final...TORTS :(
Good luck on your last one!

Dakota said...


Yankeegirl - Thanks and congrats on getting through 1L. Once you've done that - you know you are going to make it through!