Friday, April 01, 2011

Day 2 - Meaning Behind My Blog Name

When I started this blog in 2005, I had just started law school, was working full time, and was leaving my wife of 10 years (Casey) and 2 very young children at home to fend for themselves during my very long days. Casey actually started one first, as I recall, and we both figured it would be interesting to share our perspectives during law school from the student side and from the stay-at-home mother-of-two side.  So, I named my blog "Adventures of Law School Mama." 

Sometime in the year following graduation, I realized I really needed to change the name of my blog now that I was out of law school.  I believe Casey actually suggested all or part of the name "Adventures of Out Law Mama."  Since I was out of school, this was cute, but even better because I was "out" as a lesbian and working in the legal profession. 

I realize my blog lacks some is not really all about one thing other than me. :)  It is not all about being a parent, though I do share some of those ups and downs: it certainly is not about my professional life in the legal field; and it is not all about being "out."  So, if you are one of my valued readers, I appreciate your interest in my various ramblings, and hope I occasionally manage to write something entertaining and/or enlightening.

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