Thursday, February 22, 2007

The picture - Law School Mama in Glasses:

Yup. This is me in my new specs, photo courtesty of my generous and thoughtful wife who, after having read my last post, greeted me at the door with a camera. Let me remind you all this was at 10:00 at night, and seemed an odd time for a photo shoot, but hey, that's life as a law student, right?

Thanks, honey. This will look great next to my column. I don't know what column, but it looks like the kind of photo that should be next to a syndicated column....or a dust jacket. Yes, that would be good!


Casey said...

Ok - is it wrong that looking at a photo of you on your blog makes me giddy? :) Cuuuuuuute! (as a certain little someone would say)

It is a darn good photo for 10 o'clock at night. :)

Mieke said...

You do look cute! So studious. I hope I avoid your fate.