Monday, September 19, 2011

The iPad Addiction Continues

Vicki and I just had a whole weekend dedicated to lazying the days away lost in App World, playing games, researching, learning new apps and the like. We did manage sleeping in late, eating good food, napping, and even watching a Netflix DVD.  I've recently discovered the ABC app so I can catch up on missed episodes of ABC shows - most of which I don't watch anymore, but confess that I do love CougarTown.  I also found out the iPads work like portable radios - tune in to local or distant radio stations. Fun!

We did make an unexpected road trip to a town about an hour away to pick up a pair of special shoes Vicki needs for Tracker School - the Vibram Five Fingers shoes.  That was our big outing for the weekend. What a nice, relaxing way to spend two days. I could go for another two - paid, of course!

1 comment:

Lynilu said...

Uhmmm, what is "Tracker school"? Never mind, I just googled it. Is this for her job or for [smirk]fun?

I met a group of young men at a ranger station/lookout at the top of one of our local mountains last summer, and one of them was wearing those shoes. We talked a while, and he told me how comfortable they were and how it helped him with being sure footed in climbing around in the boulders. Who knew? I just thought they were a "fashion" statement!!