Thursday, April 07, 2011

Day 4 - My Parents

My parents are the best parents ever! I totally had one of those idyllic childhoods - one that adult friends are envious of, and I strive to achieve for my own children.  I have two sisters that are 13 and 17 years older than I am, which means I am the baby, so yes, I was the spoiled one.  I grew up with the privileges of an only child of older parents, plus the longer-term benefits of having siblings. 

My Mom turns 80-years-old next week.  You would not believe she was a day over 70.  She has stayed active, vibrant, social, stylish and (Thank God) healthy. She did not work outside of the home when I was a kid, so was always involved in my school field trips, had after-school snacks for me, and made me a hot breakfast every morning.  My friends always loved my Mom.  She let me be independent, but always knew where I was.  We used to play word games, cards, and enjoyed going to the movies together.  Her whole life seemed to revolve around our family - especially my dad and me.  It was devastating for her when she and my dad separated and later divorced when I was in high school. 

Did I say "idyllic"? Well, maybe not quite idyllic...but still close. As a teen, it is probably good that my dad had left the house because I am similar to him in many ways, and we would have butt heads. I was very trust-worthy and had responsible friends, so Mom pretty much let me do whatever I wanted. 

My Dad was a typical Dad of his generation - pretty "hands off" as far as parenting, but let me know he loved me and was proud of me.  I learned by watching him things about building, boating, and not being afraid to take on a challenge. He had about a gazillion different professions in his lifetime, but by the time I was born, had settled into the specialty area of laminated countertops. He rose very high in the sales division of a major company, then quit to start his own business.  He always wanted to be his own boss. I suspect he always thought he knew better than those in charge....and he probably did.  My Dad died a few years ago from lung cancer. I wish I'd known him more as an adult and that my kids had been able to spend more time with him.

I also want to mention my Step-Dad here.  My mom remarried about 7 years ago. She found a wonderful, loving man, who was going to a lesbian-wedding on the day I first met him.  He passed away this past Monday.  He was a good friend to me,  an amazing husband to my mom and a sweet grandpa to my kids.  I wish him all the best on his journey onwards. 


Lynilu said...

Idyllic sounds OK. There isn't a perfect family, but it sounds as if you had a pretty good deal all the way. That's how I feel about my family, too. Certainly not without blemishes, but a pretty good childhood. We are two of the luck ones, I think.

full 54 x 75 outlast blanket said...

Really you have a perfect family and having so much fun I like this post very much and thought to say something to appreciate you.
Thank you for sharing with us.